Peer-Reviewed Journal
Advancing sustainable laundry practices utilizing waste heat from commercial laundry facilities. Applied Thermal Engineering, 247, 123136, 2024
An integrated passive dehumidification system with energy recovery ventilation: A comprehensive simulation study. Applied Thermal Engineering, 243, 122553, 2024
Experimental and numerical investigation of integrating energy recovery ventilation into a thermodynamic-potential-based passive dehumidification system using renewable energy, Engergy, Volume 289, 15, 129888, 2024
An Analysis of the Trends of Previous Studies in Korea on the User Participation Design of School Architecture, Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, Vol. 24, No. 11 pp. 168-180, 2023
Numerical modeling of laundry drying in a commercial laundry plant: Incorporating water potential as a driving force for heat and mass transfer, Journal of Cleaner Production 423, 138735, 2023
The Effect of Low Hygroscopicity of Glass Envelope on the Change in Indoor Humidity, Architectural Institute of Korea, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Vol.39 No.5, 157-163, 2023
Energy saving potential of passive dehumidification system combined with energy recovery ventilation using renewable energy, Energy and Buildings, 112170, 2022
Impact of Window Frames on Annual Energy Consumption of Residential Buildings and Its Contribution to CO2 Emission Reductions at the City Scale, Energies 15 (10), 3692, 2022
Do energy subsidies affect the indoor temperature and heating energy consumption in low-income households?, Energy and Buildings 256, 111678, 2022
Influence of the moisture driving force of moisture adsorption and desorption on indoor hygrothermal environment and building thermal load, Energy and Buildings 253, 111501, 2021
Performance Improvement Plan of Air Circulation-Type Solar Heat-Storage System Using Ventilated Cavity of Roof, Energies 14 (6), 1606, 2021
Housing design methodology for passive hygrothermal control and effect verification via field measurements, Building and Environment 185, 107241, 2020
Humidity control effect of vapor-permeable walls employing hygroscopic insulation material, Indoor air 30 (2), 346-360, 2019
A fundamental study of intelligent building envelope systems capable of passive dehumidification and solar heat collection utilizing renewable energy, Energy and Buildings 195, 139-148, 2019
Sensitivity analysis for optimization of renewable-energy-based air-circulation-type temperature-control system, Applied Energy 230, 317-329, 2018
Energy saving effect of air circulation heat storage system using natural energy, Building and Environment 124, 104-117, 2017
Peer-Reviewd Proceedings
Hygrothermal Fluctuations in Concrete Spaces with Interior and Exterior Insulation by Glass, The 5th Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association 2024, 2024.12
Changes in Humidity Control Performance of Loess Brick Envelope with High Vapor Transmission Resistance Insulation and Improvement Measures, The 5th Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association 2024, 2024.12
Analysis of the Humidity Control Capability of Loess Envelopes Through Field Measurements, 14th ISAIA, 2024.9
Development of an intelligent envelope system with energy recovery ventilation for passive dehumidification in summer and solar collection in winter, the 11th international conference on indoor air quality, ventilation & energy conservation in buildings, 2023.5
Assessment of CO2 reduction effect according to the different window frames at the city-scale, 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, 2022
Development and field performance evaluation of a novel passive dehumidification system, 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, 2022
Performance Evaluation of Passive Hygrothermal Control for Houses using a Thermodynamic HAM Model, 16th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, Building Simulation 2021, 2021
Evaluation of anti-condensation performance of external walls with fibrous insulation, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 238 (1), 012013, 2019
Smart passive system for dehumidification, cooling, and heating utilizing renewable energy in detached house, 16th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, Building Simulation 2019, 2019
Intelligent Roof System Utilizing Renewable Energy to Reduce Heat Loads, Grand Renewable Energy proceedings Japan council for Renewable Energy, 73, 2018
Sensitive analysis of passive dehumidification system using solar heat, Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference, 1790-1798, 2017
Analysis on Passive Dehumidification and Ventilation System based on Thermodynamic Energy, Proceedings of the 3rd Asia conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, ASim 2016, M01-Contribution 269, 2016
Performance Evaluation on Dew Proofing and Humidity Conditioning of Exterior Walls with Characteristics of Moisture Absorption and Desorption, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human Environment System, ICHES 2016, No.20052, 2016
Non-Peer-Reviewd Proceedings
일본 학교건축에서의 목재활용 촉진정책 및 사례분석, 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 2024.10
황토벽돌 외피의 투습저항이 조습능력에 미치는 영향 분석, 대한건축학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 2024.4
- 황토벽돌 외피의 흡방습성능에 대한 고찰, 대한건축학회 충북지회, 2023.11
PDSC intelligent envelope system for hygrothermal control utilizing renewable energy Part 6 Verification of energy saving effect of combined system of PDSC and energy recovery ventilation, Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Meeting, 2023.9
Development of the PDSC envelope system for hygrothermal control utilizing renewable energy– Verification of the practical application of a combined system of PDSC and energy recovery ventilation, Research presentation at the Kyushu branch of the Architectural Institute of Japan, 2023.3
(Editing, 편집 중)
Research Report
기후위기 대응력 강화위한 탄소중립도시 종합계획 수립 방안 연구, auri 건축공간연구원, 2023